Monday, September 30, 2019

Company Law Tutorial

Company law tutorial question year 3 Semester1. 1. â€Å"Under the ordinary rules of law, a present company and a subsidiary company, even a 100 per cent subsidiary company, are distinct legal entities and in the absence of an agency contract between the two companies, one cannot be said to be the agent of the other. This seems to be clearly established by the rule in Salomon v. A. Salomon & Co. Ltd. † Critically discuss. 2. â€Å"The principle laid down in Foss v. Harbottle continues to create a significant obstacle to minority shareholder action. Discuss. 3. Layton Co. Ltd. , private company with Articles in the form of Table A, has in its memorandum, the following clauses: â€Å"The objects for which the company is established are: (i) to manufacture, process and distribute computer software and CD Roms; (ii) to purchase and hold property, to borrow or to lend money, and to dispose of funds or property owned by the company; and (iii) to do anything that is in the opinion of the directors necessary to make profits from the use of the assets of the company. † Geoff and Marcia, two of the directors of Layton Co.Ltd. , own approximately 20 percent of the shares in Layton Co. Ltd. Stacy, a director, unbeknown to the board of directors, purports to enter into a contract with High State Developers Ltd. , â€Å"on behalf of Layton Co. Ltd. ,† for the construction of a health spa for stressed executives. In order to secure machinery, Stacy writes to Health Fanatic Inc. , on Layton Co. Ltd. ‘s stationery, offering Health Fanatic Inc. the contract to provide technical training for any staff employed by the spa. Health Fanatic Inc. accepts the offer. Layton Co. Ltd. , now refuses to build he health spa due to a depression in the market and is consequently not in need of Health Fanatic Inc. ‘s services. Discuss. 4. Tamara and Kathy have been conducting business as artefact restorers for several years. In January, 1999, Tamara and Kathy d ecided to incorporate their business. In order to facilitate the building of the registered head office of the company, Tamara purchased land from her grandfather for$50,000. Meanwhile, Kathy executed a contract on behalf of Heritage Ltd. , engaging the services of Sherry, a geology expert, to carry out a geological survey.Sherry submitted a report headed â€Å"subject to confirmation† which stated that the land was suitable for building a multistoried complex and that there was evidence of mineral deposits. In June 2004, Heritage Ltd. was incorporated as a public company with Tamara, Kathy and Bill as its directors. Tamara promptly sold the parcel of land to Heritage Ltd. for $2. 2 million and submitted an invoice for $70,000 for services rendered prior to the incorporation of Heritage Ltd. In April 2005, Tamara, unbeknown to the board, enters into an agreement with Jump Up Inc. or the acquisition of a fleet of trucks. It is customary for Heritage Ltd. to lease trucks as acq uisition is extremely costly. Advise. The capital of Bush Tea Co. Ltd. consists of fully paid up ordinary and preference shares. The governing regulations of Bush Tea Co Ltd. provide as follows: â€Å"17(a) Preference shareholders shall receive a cumulative preference dividend of 5% half yearly; and (b)Two votes shall be attached to each preference share issued. † Due to an outbreak of the Pink Mealy bug disease, the production of bush tea has dramatically declined.The board of directors of Bush Tea Co. Ltd. proposes to alter clause 17(a) of the governing regulations to reduce the preference dividend from 5% to 2% and to move a resolution to increase the voting rights of ordinary shareholders. Advise the preference shareholders. 5. In 2001, Mr. Ingenious decided to build condominiums on a parcel of beach front property which he had purchased in 1996 for $40,000. On March 26th, 2001, Mr. Ingenious instructed Mr. Safe Guard, an attorney-at-law, to incorporate a company to be ca lled Beach Haven Ltd. to manage the condominiums. Immediately after leaving Mr.Safe Guard's office, Mr. Ingenious entered into an oral agreement on behalf of Beach Haven Ltd. with Fast Seal Cement Ltd. for the supply of building blocks for the construction of the condominiums. The company, Beach Haven Ltd. , was eventually incorporated, in January, 2002. Its board of directors consists of Mr. Ingenious, Mr. Deke, Ms. Peta-Gaye and Ms. Jayanti. At the directors' meeting of February, 2002, the board of directors resolved to purchase the beach front property from Mr. Ingenious for $1million. Unfortunately, due to a slump in the real estate market Beach Haven Ltd. s profits declined significantly. It has been discovered that, prior to incorporation, Mr. Ingenious contracted with Wire Steel Inc. , signing on behalf of Beach Haven Ltd. , for the supply of 12 tons of high-tension steel at a price well above the market price. Mr. Deke, in March, 2003, hired his girlfriend, as a consultant, for $10,000 per month without board approval. The cement blocks purportedly purchased on Beach Haven Ltd. ‘s behalf are discovered to be of inferior quality. Advise Beach Haven Ltd. 6. Sashawa Enterprises Ltd. (SE Ltd. ) is a public company incorporated in Jambah.The Articles of Association of SE Ltd. are in the form of Table A. The objects clause of the Memorandum of Association contain the following provisions: (a)To carry on the business of the manufacture of textiles and clothing apparel; (b)To borrow money; (c)To do all such things which in the opinion of the directors may be conveniently carried out by the company. In January, 2001, Michael and Midge, two directors of SE Ltd. , contracted with Caribbean Construction Ltd. to build a coffee shop on premises adjacent to the corporate headquarters of SE Ltd. To finance this project SE Ltd. orrowed $5 million from Careless Bank Ltd. This loan was approved quickly, since Careless Bank Ltd. was a long standing customer of SE Lt d. and Careless Bank Ltd. was satisfied of Caribbean Construction Ltd. ‘s credit worthiness. After the events of September 11th, 2001, the profits of SE Ltd. declined considerably. SE Ltd. is no longer interested in constructing the coffee shop and is refusing to pay both Caribbean Construction Ltd. and Careless Bank Ltd. Nevertheless SE Ltd. is desirous of donating $12 million dollars to the International War Relief Fund. Discuss.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Is411 Study Guide

Study Guide IS 411 Security Policies and Implementation Issues A perfect policy will not prevent all threats. Key to determining if a business will implement any policy is cost. Policies support the risk assessment to reduce the cost by providing controls and procedures to manage the risk. A good policy includes support for incident handling. Pg 15 Policy may add complexity to a job but that is not important. Unmanageable complexity refers to how complex and realistic the project is. The ability of the organization to support the security policies will be an important topic.Pg 105 Who should review changes to a business process? Policy change control board, minimally you should include people from information security, compliance, audit, HR, leadership from other business units, and Project Managers (PMs). Pg 172 ————————————————- Policy – a document that states how the organization is to perform and conduct business functions and transactions with a desired outcome. Policy is based on a business requirement (such as legal or organizational) ————————————————- ———————————————— Standard – an established and proven norm or method, which can be a procedural standard or a technical standard implemented organization-wide ————————————————- ————————————————- Procedure – a written statement describing the steps required to implement a process. Procedures are technical steps taken to achieve policy go als (how-to document) ————————————————- ————————————————-Guideline – a parameter within which a policy, standard, or procedure is suggested but optionalpg 11-13 Resiliency is a term used in IT to indicate how quickly the IT infrastructure can recover. Pg 279. The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is the measurement of how quickly individual business processes can be recovered. Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) is the maximum acceptable level of data loss from the point of the disaster. The RTO and RPO may not be the same value. Pg 287 Policies are the key to repeatable behavior.To achieve repeatable behavior you just measure both consistency and quality. Oversight phases to operational consistency: * Monitor * Measure * Review * Track * Improve pg 40 Find ways to mitigate risk through reward. Reward refers to how management reinforces the value of following policies. An organization should put in place both disciplinary actions for not following policies and recognition for adhering to policies. This could be as simple as noting the level of compliance to policies in the employee’s annual review. Pg 78 Domain | Key policies and controls|User | Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)E-mail policyPrivacy policy – covers physical securitySystem access policy – IDs & passwordsAuthorization – Role Base Access Control (RBAC)Authentication – most important| Workstation| Microsoft system center configuration manager: * Inventory – tracks LAN connections * Discovery – detects software and info installed for compliance * Patch – current patches installed * Help desk – remote access to diagnose, reconfigure, reset IDs * Log – extracts logs to central repository * Security – ensures use rs have limited rights, alerts added administer accounts| LAN| Hub – connects multiple devicesSwitch – can filter trafficRouter – connects LANs or LAN-WANFirewall – filters traffic in and out of LAN, commonly used to filter traffic from public internet WAN to private LANFlat network – has little or no control to limit network trafficSegmented – limits what and how computers are able to talk to each other by using switches, routers, firewalls, etc. | LAN-WAN| Generally, routers and firewalls are used to connect LAN-WAN. Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) provide a public-facing access to the organization, such as public websites. DMZ sits between two layers of firewalls to limit traffic between LAN-WAN| WAN| Unsecure public Internet. Virtual Private Network (VPN) secure and private encrypted tunnel. Firewalls have capability to create and maintain a VPN tunnel.Lower cost, save time for small to medium companies with VPN instead of leased line| Remote A ccess| Enhanced user domainRemote authentication – two factor * Something you know (id/password) * Something you have (secure token) * Something you are (biometric)VPN client communicates with VPN hardware for tunneling, client-to-site VPN:Maintains authentication, confidentiality, integrity and nonrepudiation. | System/Application| Application software is the heart of all business applications. Application transmits the transaction to server. Data Loss Protection (DLP) or Data Leakage Protection (DLP) refers to a program that reduces the likelihood of accidental or malicious loss of data. DLP involves inventory, perimeter (protected at endpoints) and encryption of mobile devices. Pg 67|Motivation – pride (work is important), self-interest (repeat behavior rewarded, most important pg 326), and success (winning, ethical, soft skills). Pg 91 Executive management support is critical in overcoming hindrances. A lack of support makes implementing security policies impossibl e. Listen to executive needs and address in policy. Pg 341 Security policies let your organization set rules to reduce risk to information assets. Pg 22. Three most common security controls are: * Physical – prevent access to device * Administrative – procedural control such as security awareness training * Technical – software such as antivirus, firewalls, and hardware pg 27Information System Security (ISS) is the act of protecting information and the systems that store and process it. Information Assurance (IA) focuses on protecting information during process and use. Security tenets known as the five pillars of the IA model: * Confidentiality * Integrity * Availability * Authentication * Nonrepudiation Policy must be clearly written. Unclear purpose refers to the clarity of value a project brings. In the case of security policies, it’s important to demonstrate how these policies will reduce risk. It’s equally important to demonstrate how the pol icies were derived in a way that keep the business cost and impact low. Pg 104 ———————————————— Head of information management is the single point of contact responsible for data quality within the enterprise. ————————————————- ————————————————- Data stewards are individuals responsible for data quality with a business unit. ————————————————- ————————————————- Data administrators execute policies and procedures such as backup, versio ning, up/down loading, and database administration. ————————————————- ————————————————-Data security administrators grant access rights and assess threats in IA programs. Pg 188 ————————————————- ————————————————- Information security officer identifies, develops and implements security policies. ————————————————- ———————————————à ¢â‚¬â€- Data owners approves access rights to information. ————————————————- ————————————————- Data manager responsible for procedures how data should be handled and classified. ————————————————- ————————————————-Data custodian individual responsible for day-to-day maintenance, grant access based on data owner, backups, and recover, maintain data center and applications. ————————————————- —————â₠¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Data user end user of an application. ————————————————- ————————————————- Auditor are inter or external individual who assess the design and effectiveness of security policies. Pg 115 Separation of duty principle – responsibilities and privileges should be divided to prevent a person or a small group of collaborating people from inappropriately controlling multiple key aspects of a process and causing harm or loss. Pg 156Internal control principle – information security forms the core of an organization’s information internal control systems. Regulations mandate that internal control systems be in place and operating correctly. Organizations rely on technolo gy to maintain business records. It’s essential that such technology include internal control mechanisms. These maintain the integrity of the information and represent a true picture of the organization’s activities. Pg 155 Lines of defense in the service sector: 1. Business Unit (BU) deals with controlling risk daily, mitigate risk when possible. Develops long and short-term strategies, directly accountable. 2. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program, team owns the risk process.Provides guidance to BU, aligns policies with company goals, oversight of risk committees and risk initiatives. 3. Independent auditor assures board and executive management the risk function is designed and working well. Pg 192 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects a person’s privacy. HIPAA defines someone’s health record as protected health information (PHI). HIPAA establishes how PHI can be collected, processed and disclosed and provides penaltie s for violations. Health care clearinghouses process and facilitate billing. Pg 50 Executive management is ultimately responsible for ensuring that data is protected.Information systems security organization enforces security policies at a program level. The team is accountable for identifying violations of policies. The front-line manager/supervisor enforces security policies at an employee level. Employees are responsible for understanding their roles and the security policies. They are accountable for following those policies. Employees can still be held liable for violations of the law. Employees can be prosecuted for illegal acts. Sampling of key roles to enforce security policies: * General counsel- enforces legal binding agreements * Executive management- implements enterprise risk management * Human resources- enforces disciplinary actions Information systems security organization- enforces polices at program level * Front-line manager/supervisor- enforces policies at employ ee level pg 366 A Privileged-level Access Agreement (PAA) is designed to heighten the awareness and accountability of those users who have administrative rights. Security Awareness Policy (SAP) laws can outline the frequency and target audience. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) defines the intended uses of computer and networks. A good AUP should accompany security awareness training. Pg 220 Auditors are feared Contractors comply with the same security policies as any other employee (such as an AUP). There may be additional policy requirements on a contractor such as special non-disclosure agreement and deeper background checks. Pg 215Data Class| Class Description| Recovery Period| Examples| Critical| Data must be recovered immediately| 30 minutes| Website, customer records| Urgent| Data can be recovered later| 48 hrs| e-mail backups| Non-vital| Not vital for daily operations| 30 days| Historical records, archives pg 263| U. S. military classification – nation security information document EO 12356. * Top secret – grave damage to national security * Secret – serious damage to NS * Confidential – cause damage to NS * Sensitive but classified – confidential data under freedom of information act * Unclassified – available to the public A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) policy creates a plan to continue business after a disaster. Elements include key assumptions, accountabilities, frequency of testing and part includes BIA.Business Impact Analysis (BIA) purpose is to determine the impact to an organization in the event that key processes and technology are not available. Assets include critical resources, systems, facilities, personnel, and records. Pg 278 Desired results of the BIA include: * A list of critical processes and dependencies * A work flow of processes that include human req to recover key assets * Analysis of legal and regulatory requirements * A list of critical vendors and support agreements * An estimate of the maximum allowable downtime pg 286 Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is the policies and documentation needed for an organization to recover its IT assets after a disaster (part of BCP). Pg 288Governance – requires a strong governance structure in place. This includes formal reporting to the board of directors. Most boards receive formal GLBA reporting through the audit committee. The head of information security usually writes this report each quarter. Pg 51 An Incident Response Team (IRT) is specialized group of people whose purpose is to respond to major incidents. The IRT is typically a cross-functional (different skills) team. Pg 297. Common IRT members include: * Information technology SMEs * Information security representative * HR * Legal * PR * Business continuity representative * Data owner * Management * Emergency services (normally outside agency i. e. olice) pg 302 Visa requires its merchants to report security incidents involving cardholder data. Visa classifies incid ents into the following categories: * Malicious code attacks * Denial of service (DOS) * Unauthorized access/theft * Network reconnaissance probe pg 299 Declare an incident, develop a response/procedure to control the incident. Before a response can be formulated, a discussion needs to be made. This involves whether to immediately pursue the attacker or protect the organization. Having a protocol in advance with management can establish priorities and expedite a decision. It is important to have a set of responses prepared in advance.Allowing the attacker to continue provides evidence on the attack. The most common response is to stop the attack as quickly as possible. Pg 309 How do you collect data? A trained specialist collects the information. A chain of custody is established and documented. Digital evidence, take a bit image of machines and calculate a hash value. The hash value is essentially a fingerprint of the image. IRT coordinator maintains evidence log and only copies ar e logged out for review. Pg 311 Why do policies fail? Without cohesive support from all levels of the organization, acceptance and enforcement will fail. Pg 19 Which law allows companies to monitor employees?The Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA) gives employers the right to monitor employees in the ordinary course of business. Pg 356 Policy enforcement can be accomplished through automation or manual controls. Automated controls are cost efficient for large volumes of work that need to be performed consistently. A short list of several common automated controls: * Authentication methods * Authorization methods * Data encryption * Logging events * Data segmentation * Network segmentation pg 361 Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) is a free download that can query systems for common vulnerabilities. It starts by downloading an up to date XML file. This file includes known vulnerabilities and release patches. Pg 378Business Continuity Plan (BCP) sustain business durin g disaster Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) support strategic functions during disaster Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) plan to recover facility at alternate site during disaster Business Recovery Plan (BRP) recover operation immediately following disaster Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP) plan to minimize loss of life or injury and protect property from physical threat pg 292 Extra notes: There are two types of SAS 70 audits: * Type 1 – is basically a design review of controls. * Type II – includes type 1 and the controls are tested to see if they work. Pg 61 Governance, Risk management, and Compliance (GRC) and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) both to control risk. ERM takes a broad look at risk, while GRC is technology focused.GRC top three best frameworks are ISO 27000 series, COBIT, COSO. Pg 197 Incident severity classification: * Severity 4 – small number of system probes or scans detected. An isolated instance of a virus. Event handled by automated controls. No unauthorized activity detected. * Severity 3 – significant probes or scans. Widespread virus activity. Event requires manual intervention. No unauthorized activity detected. * Severity 2 – DOS detected with limited impact. automated controls failed to prevent event. No unauthorized activity detected. * Severity 1 – successful penetration or DOS attack with significant disruption. Or unauthorized activity detected.Pg 308 To measure the effectiveness include IRT charter goals and analytics. Metrics are: * Number of incidents * Number of repeat incidents (signifies lack of training) * Time to contain per incident (every incident is diff, least important) * Financial impact to the organization (most important to management) Glossary terms Bolt-on refers to adding information security as a distinct layer of control after the fact. Business Impact Analysis (BIA) a formal analysis to determine the impact in the event key processes and technology are not available. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) focuses on financial and risk management.Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) framework that brings together business and control requirements with technical issues. Detective control is a manual control that identifies a behavior after it has happened. Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) a standard image mandated in any federal agency. Image locks down the operating system with specific security settings. Firecall-ID a process granting elevated rights temporarily to resolve a problem. Flat network has little or no controls to limit network traffic. Information Technology and Infrastructure Library a framework that contains comprehensive list of concepts, practices and processes for managing IT services. IRT coordinator documents all activities during an incident, official scribe.IRT manager makes all the final calls on how to respond, interface with management. Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) also known as a confidentiality agreement. Octave is an acronym for Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation. ISS framework consisting of tools, techniques, and methods. Pretexting is when a hacker outlines a story in which the employee is asked to reveal information that weakens the security. Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) NIST spec for how security software products measure, evaluate and report compliance. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system hardware and software that collects critical data to keep a facility operating.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

DIET ANALYSIS REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

DIET ANALYSIS REPORT - Essay Example It has been found that the BMI scores that range between 20 and 25 show that an individual is normal. An individual is referred to as overweight when the BMI ranges from 25 to 30. Therefore, BMI provides a dependable indicator of an individual’s body fatness and is useful in screening for weight categories that may result in health problems. Nutrients are referred to as substances that are needed for metabolism, body growth, and other functions of the body (Morton, David, and Perry 131). Macronutrients are those nutrients that provide energy or calories. There are three classes of macronutrients: fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The daily intake of macronutrients determines an individual’s health. The macronutrient distribution should include 10-35 percent of total calories from proteins, 45-65 percent of total calories from carbohydrates, and 20-35 percent of total calories from fats (Morton, David, and Perry 134). It is evident from the project that the subject observed the normal and healthy intake of macronutrients to some extent. Saturated fat is defined as fat that is comprised of triglycerides which contains saturated fatty acids as the only elements (Morton, David, and Perry 123). Various fats are characterized by different proportions of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. The recommended level of the saturated fat in the body should be less than 10 percent of the daily energy intake. It is evident from the records that the subject’s saturated fat intake is within the recommended level. The subject’s saturated fat intake is 12.5 g which is about 56.0 percent of the total calorie intake per day. High level of saturated fat intake is the possible cause of overweight in human population, and can be associated with various problems, such as high blood pressure and heart attack. The subject should avoid eating large quantities of meals that contain coconut oil, chocolate, butter, cheese, cream, and cottonseed oil. Reduction of the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Legal Homework 3 B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legal Homework 3 B - Essay Example Thirdly, Judy’s isolation, the entry and unannounced exit of the psychiatrist are clear signs of failure to put Judy and her family at the heart of care; fourthly, the psychiatrist and the nurse have violated the principle of communication and co-ordinated care in the treatment of the patient, otherwise the change of guard could have been more seamless to avoid suicide attempts. 2. Was the nurse negligent for unlocking the bathroom door and allowing Judy to shower by herself? The nurse was negligent for unlocking the bathroom and allowing the patient to shower by herself, because technically it was impossible for her to carry out any meaningful grooming due to her mental disorder. Moreover, she had spent many days without taking a bath. 3. Was it below the standard of care the nurse to leave the bathroom door unlocked when the psychiatrist came to see Judy? Leaving the bathroom door unlocked was in order, since the patient’s movements would be monitored by the psychiatr ist. And if in any case the nurse’s helping hand was urgently needed, he or she would have accessed the room more easily than when it was locked. 4. Is there a greater duty to this patient from an ethical perspective? Why or why not? Judy is undergoing involuntary psychiatric treatment preferred under the doctrines of police power and state’s parens patriae, however this condition does not strip her of patient rights and ethical treatment. By contrast, mandated treatment naturally invokes ethical tensions for psychiatrists and their assistants that need a delicate balancing act. Whereas, Judy’s personal freedoms should be restricted by virtue of her mental health, there ought to be a greater duty to her by considering principles that obligate the clinicians to treat her with more respect and dignity (McSherry, McSherry, & Watson, 2012). Whereas deterrence of suicide in Judy’s case requires a stricter environment, she deserves a closer, friendlier environm ent since suicide cases do not just happen out of blues; there are imminent signs like preparation of ropes as witnessed in this case. In acknowledging the gravity of denying Judy the freedom of patients, she should be granted: a judicial review of her situation, a legal counsel, and a better, less restrictive option than hospitalization. Moreover, greater duty of care requires that the emergency health care facility to collaborate more with Judy’s decision-makers in exploring viable treatment options to restore her health, because it is only ethical if the health care staff work towards her wellbeing rather than confining her in an isolated room, which only serves to aggravate her condition. 5. What ethical principles must be considered when caring for such a patient? a) The main ethical principle that should be considered in this case is treatment through informed consent. Owing to Judy’s mental health condition, her kin through a legitimate surrogate decision-maker reserve the right to be furnished with balanced professional information regarding Judy’s health condition and viable treatment options in order to arrive at appropriate decisions without undue influence. b). Secondly there should be a friendly, professional distance and esteem between Judy and her clinicians that creates a safer and more predictable environment for her recovery. This would create room

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Free topic Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Free topic - Research Proposal Example Already established mobile network providers such as Verizon Wireless, AT&T and T-Mobile are considered first by customers who want to use mobile phones (Scollon, 2011). This, therefore, in a way, leaves a monopolistic advantage to these network providers. They dictate prices in the mobile network industry, which is, at times, on the higher side. Since they do not face any worthy competition from other players in this field, or the competition is minimal, they can continue dictating their prices, leaning towards the higher side. However, if a player or many players managed to enter this market effectively, it would force the already established players to ease their tariffs in order to counter the competition they face (Simmons, 2010). Mobile network providers entering this market should look to market their brands effectively through various mediums such as the social media and other promotion platforms in order effectively to build their brand. This will ensure that the prices are eased by the already present players in order to beat the completion brought by the newcomers (McCarthy,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Application 5.1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Application 5.1 - Assignment Example With an approximate percentage of 85, the Northern and Southern American based dealers facilitate the sales using the created network (Cummings, Thomas and Worley 100). The company has expanded its operations by acquiring several retail outlets located in Berlin, New York, London, Hamburg, Munich and New Jersey. The concert bank program is the main company’s strategy that incorporates the use of local and international based dealers to distribute their products. It allows local and international artists who have hit their mark in their professions to assess different pianos in the outlets and pick one that best suits their needs. With the concert banks stocked with more than 300 pianos located in more than 160 different cities, the company greatly benefits from its engagement with these successful artists (Cummings, Thomas and Worley 101). It is able to market some of its brands using the name of the performer who is publicly known. Numerous artistic skills are consolidated in order to come up with a grand Steinway concert piano. Different methods have been formulated however the process has maintained is basic initial processes since they have always produced definable results. More than 12000 parts of the grand piano have to be handcrafted before they are perfectly fit to each other to complete the whole puzzle. The uniqueness of these pieces arise from the different types of tones, sound and touch incorporated in each of the pieces (Cummings, Thomas and Worley 101). Numerous activities are incorporated during the making of the piano such as wood drying, parts-making and finally the piano-making operations. Before the piano is set to be displayed and sold, the makers go through a final stage which is tone regulation. They are tuned to voice the Steinway sound as a unique form of identity (Cummings, Thomas and Worley 101). Steinway has proved its superiority in the grand piano market by acquiring superb market

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Financial Management. Evaluation of a company Coursework

Financial Management. Evaluation of a company - Coursework Example Rights issue by the companies refers to a corporate invitation to the existing shareholders of the company to buy additional new shares of the company. Cash-strapped companies generally turn to rights issue for raising finance from market for investments in business activates. The companies grant shareholders chance to buy new shares at a discount rate than current market of share on a pre mentioned future date. Investment banks do this activity for business for some percentage of banking percentage on total amount of issued fund. By issuing share, the companies give opportunity to the shareholders to increase their financial exposure by purchasing companies’ stocks at a discounted price. Investment banks conduct the necessary legal activities to issue new shares on behalf of the companies by taking banking fees. The can trade the issued rights on market in similar way they trade ordinary shares through stock exchange until the new shares are bought back by the companies. Theo retically, some traditional and efficient methods are used to evaluate capital investment in domestic as well as emerging foreign markets by businesses. But, capital investment is highly risk associated strategic business activity and the company needs to focus beyond the traditional methods of evaluating capital investments like net present value, internal rate of return, payback period etc. Emerging financial businesses like investment banking and financial research companies offers flawless capital investment solutions to many leading multinational organizations and they follow several advanced methodologies for evaluating proposed capital investment practices by the MNCs especially in emerging markets. The main objective to use beyond the traditional methods is to reduce future risk i.e. these methods helps to identify the maximum extent of risk possibilities and provide alternative solution to reduce the possible risk in substantial extent. One of the efficient methodologies fo r evaluating capital investment is Salomon-Smith-Barney Model. This methodology is widespread and efficient method used by leading investment banks to evaluate capital investments especially in the emerging markets for reducing risk of investment. This is one of the most recent developed methodologies for international capital investment and it was developed in 2002 by Zenner and Akaydin for leading US investment bank Salomon Smith Barney (Anson, 2011, p.488). This model is risk adjusted and modified extension of G-CAPM approach of capital valuation. In this methodology, different global factors and are considered with a high importance and regional factors are recommended as useless due to market inefficiency. This model mainly focuses on how risk possible risk can be identified in maximum extent and how it can be minimized. As this methodology is modified extension of G-CAPM approach, therefore, it has focused on key shortcomings of the approach. Having a main objective to reduce risk of foreign investment especially in emerging economy perspective, this methodology has focused on a key fact that emerging markets are not totally harbor specific and integrated restraint and complications which can justify a risk premium. The developer of this methodology added an idiosyncratic risk premium into the G-CAPM approach and extended that approach in a new form with high capability of risk indication and reduction. This methodology has

Monday, September 23, 2019

Heidegger Being and Time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Heidegger Being and Time - Essay Example Going by the introduction by George Steiner to the luminous thoughts of Martin Heidegger, it looks certain that Steiner is willing to run the marathon race and he immensely enjoys it. He is not an ordinary critic. The issue with the ordinary critics is that the moment they do not comprehend the writings of an author, such thoughts are labeled as controversial. Didn’t the fox, after abandoning the efforts, say that the grapes were sour, when it could not reach out to the dangling, juicy bunches? The experience-level mind doesn’t move on the beaten track. It takes up unexpected and amazing unchartered paths. The thought-process emanates from the original impulse. Their convictions are undoubted; their explanations borders devotion. They are not available for second-opinions or for revisions. Their ‘first manuscript’ is the ‘final manuscript’. The problem with the specialists is they go on analyzing the leaf to such an extent (its size, shape, col or etc), that they forget that the root is the original cause of leaf! Or even further—Mother Earth is the original cause†¦or even further on and on†¦ No written sentences and paragraphs can arrest the spirit. The spirit by itself is the arresting as well as the freeing authority. So, to say ’eureka’ one should be able to grasp the true nature of the spirit. Once a difficult problem of mathematics is solved, the steps look so simple...Yes, only when it is solved! Before that how many times the climber has slipped from the steps of the ladder? Is it the fault of the ladder? Nobody will ever get to the bottom of the Being (this vast ocean is bottomless) It is impossible to define it, but the process of trying to know it, is rich and rewarding. At every step of the progress, one feels that the effort is worthwhile. Let me repeat, one’s reward is in the process of trying to know it! The problem for a lay reader is to understand Heidegger’s language. George

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Energy Use, Ethics, and Global Climate Change Term Paper

Energy Use, Ethics, and Global Climate Change - Term Paper Example Nevertheless, the forbearance array is not equal in all species, and thus, disclosure to environmental conditions at the maximum limit of a certain being's tolerance scope symbolizes environmental stress (Anil, 35). Environmental studies refer to the research and analyses made regarding environment, its degradation levels, and the appropriate ways to maintain or better its current status. This paper seeks to analyze the current energy policies in all levels, and the various ways and effects of constructing and developing an appropriate lifestyle through the environment. The science of climate change This refers to the study concerning the planet’s climate system, and how it has been undergoing various changes over time. The earth’s climate structure has always been experiencing change. The universal climate change is the varying, in the long-term, of the climate outline that typifies the various parts of the world (Anil, 56). Earth’s climate has forever been chan ging in regard to temperature, as proved by the great fluctuations in hotness. Since about 150000 years ago, the mean worldwide temperature dipped for approximately 15000 years, and then started to augment stridently for close to 10000 years. After that, it dropped again, and then remained comparatively constant, though it continued to alter by about 1 to 2 degrees. The mean temperature then dipped sharply roughly 80000 years ago, and then upped again, sub sequenced by an additional 35000 years of relatively steady temperature. Soon after, the temperature dropped progressively till approximately 15000 years ago, then began to rise drastically, while only showing a small decline in the speed of increase in the precedent 2000 years. Though the pace of change decreased slightly throughout the past 5000 years, the universal average temperature is still rising (Joseph, 58). Nonetheless, temperature is not the lone climatic aspect that is currently changing swiftly. The concentration of c onservatory gases in the air has increased rapidly over the precedent two centuries, and this, in reality, the main reason behind the increase in the mean global temperature. The present rate of alteration in the level of carbon dioxide in the air is an issue that has raised much worry among scientists. Globally, the concentration of CO2 has amplified from just about 280 parts per million (0.028%) to about (0.0365%). even though the swell may seem to be inconsequential, the increase implies that approximately 3 billion metric tons of CO2 are injected to the atmosphere every year. Scientifically, this increase is in the region of about 30.4%. This figure exhibits the extent of effect in progress. As CO2 soaks up heat, more CO2 being injected into the atmosphere implies that the globe’s temperature will tend to rise in concurrence with the increases in the level of concentration of CO2 in the air. Climatologists have noticed a minute but sturdy increase in the international ave rage temperatures over the past years (Denis, 94). Given the current tempo of change, and the potential insinuations they could have on the present world, the world, through scientists, is justified in being alarmed about the particular rate of vary, instead of the said changes. The reason behind this is that changes on a trivial level would have a negligible effect.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Psychopathy Influences and Factors Essay Example for Free

Psychopathy Influences and Factors Essay Psychopathy has been around for hundreds of years and with a variety of names. In the early 1800s it was considered â€Å"moral insanity† and was based on the antisocial and nonconformity of individuals in society, but not necessarily criminal (Vitacco, Neuman Jackson, 2005). Today, the same description holds true to some extent. Merriam-Webster (2008) defines psychopathy as â€Å"a mental disorder† showing symptoms of insensitive and antisocial behavior. In the early view this disorder was viewed as just a deficit of character, where today, psychopathy is viewed as a treatable disorder that has ties to violent and non-violent behaviors (Ross, Benning, Adams, 2007). By the early 1940s, a set standard of 16 criteria was used to diagnose this moral insanity or psychopathy. This diagnosis tool was focused on the behavior and personality traits and actions of the person, but had not been viewed as a factor in studying criminal behavior (Vitacco, Neuman Jackson, 2005). This early 20th Century research in the field of psychopathy, it has blossomed and grown in to a psychological field of science all its own. In the 1980s the Psychopathy Checklist (PCL) which listed the criterion from the initial research as well as new criterion for a total of 20 characteristics. The PCL was used on prisoners and criminally hospitalized people to show a correlation between psychopathy tendencies, and crime and violence. Eventually the PCL was modified a bit more to include the Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL:SV), Psychopathy: Revised (PCL:R), and the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV). All of these checklists have one thing in common; each can be used as a prediction tool in the relation of psychopathy traits and criminal activity (Reid, Gacono, 2000; Ross, Benning, Adams, 2007;Schmidt, McKinnon, Chattha, Brownlee, 2006; Vitacco, Neumann, Jackson, 2005; Vitale, Brinkley, Hiatt, Newman, 2007; Wormith, Olver, Stevenson, Girard, 2007). In just about every study there are four factors that are considered basic traits of the psychopathy personality. These four factors are found as predictors in each of the PCLs used in today’s psychopathy research. The traits include interpersonal detachment, affective disorders, non-conforming behavioral traits, and general antisocial actions (Reid, Gacono, 2000; Ross, Benning, Adams, 2007;Schmidt, McKinnon, Chattha, Brownlee, 2006; Vitacco, Neumann, Jackson, 2005; Vitale, Brinkley, Hiatt, Newman, 2007; Wormith, Olver, Stevenson, Girard, 2007). While most of the recent research has been used mainly on the male populations in prisons, juvenile institutions and psychiatric hospitals, the researchers who long believed the standard set did not fit with the female personality have begun to change the mindset. Many demographic factors including gender and race are being used to determine correlations and causes of the psychopathy personality. Psychopathy and Female Gender In more recent years, there has been an insurgent amount of research based on the psychopathy tendencies and predictability of female youth and adult offenders. The initial studies using any of the PCLs and including women as participants did not show a significant correlation between the psychopathic female and criminal behavior. However, more and more studies are showing correlations between and the prediction of criminal behavior in adult and adolescent female individuals with psychopathy personalities. One study of mixed adolescents began with the assumption of female participants having underlying factors that are not accounted for in the normal questions of the CPL:YV. This assumption was based on the ideal of the differences in the development of female and male adolescents. This study discovered some interesting information. While it was unable to predict non-violent activities in male or female participants, the female participants had extreme values in the prediction of violent behavior. This was one of the first studies including females that proved it would be used reliable for prediction of female violence (Schmidt, McKinnon, Chattha, Brownlee, 2006). In fact, the mean association with female prediction was 21. 8 with a standard deviation of 5. 8, while male counterparts had a mean association with prediction of 22. 1 and a standard deviation of 6. 9.  This shows a correlation in the reliability of the predicting feature of this checklist in relation to female participants (Schmidt, McKinnon, Chattha, Brownlee, 2006). There have also been studies on adult females with psychopathy traits that have found a decrease in intelligence with an increase in anxiety and psychopathic tendencies. This study allowed researchers to show the validity and reliability of the PCL:SV or PCL:R as a predicting tool in violent behavior and recidivism possibilities in both female inpatients and outpatients who participated in the study. Finally the task is not more just trying to understand the why and what of the male psychopath but the female psychopathy is gaining more ground and more research is being conducted now and in the future (Vitale, Brinkley, Hiatt, Newman, 2007) Psychopathy and Race Within many of the same studies that are looking at female psychopaths, researchers are also declaring that race may be a factor in the onset of psychopathy tendencies. Most studies unfortunately, are coming up short with little significance in any correlation between race and psychopathic traits. In fact, the majority of the studies are showing a much higher significance in the correlation between gender and psychopathy than race and psychopathy (Reid, Gacono, 2000; Ross, Benning, Adams, 2007;Schmidt, McKinnon, Chattha, Brownlee, 2006; Vitacco, Neumann, Jackson, 2005; Vitale, Brinkley, Hiatt, Newman, 2007; Wormith, Olver, Stevenson, Girard, 2007). This does not mean that the researchers will stop working toward finding the cause especially if it is a demographic in nature. Today’s researchers are working long and hard to gain a better understanding of what is the true cause of psychopathy and if there are any signs that we can focus on when the child is still young. Psychopathy Treatments At this time, there is not known, end all, treatment for psychopathy. The reason for this is due to the number of factors that can attribute to the psychopathy traits. Just being antisocial is not psychopath and just being insensitive is not psychopath. The fact of the matter is that most psychopaths enter treatment just to quit almost immediately. The fact that the disorder is not associated with any practical or tangible pain or symptoms make this disorder easily ignored by the patient and the community. Without tangible repercussions, the treatment is meaningless and the individual returns to the actions of the past (Reid Gacono, 2005). Another problem is that no psychiatric medications seem to work to change the inherent traits of the psychopath. Without the use of normal types of therapy and medication treatment of this disorder is extremely hard. The only treatment that seems to work with psychopaths is the extreme treatments with rigorous and unchangeable schedules such as â€Å"wilderness programs† and such that take the individual out of normal life and into a boot camp like setting with structure and guidance. However, this rigorous lifestyle is usually abandoned as soon and the program is over (Reid Gacono, 2005). Recidivism of Psychopathy Personalities  Recidivism is basically the chance of a person returning to a way of life that is unacceptable, be the actions criminal, or just not acceptable to the community. In either case, a person who has been diagnosed with a psychopathy disorder is more likely to return to previous actions. In fact, the CPL:R is an incredibly accurate predictor of recidivism in persons with psychopathy tendencies. Studies have shown that a higher value in psychopathy and higher value in anxiety correlates with a lower intelligence value and a better chance of acting out in a violent way. If the violent action had been used previously, then the chance of recidivism was even more likely (Reid, Gacono, 2000; Ross, Benning, Adams, 2007;Schmidt, McKinnon, Chattha, Brownlee, 2006; Vitacco, Neumann, Jackson, 2005; Vitale, Brinkley, Hiatt, Newman, 2007; Wormith, Olver, Stevenson, Girard, 2007). Another study showed that many women with psychopathy tendencies also have what is called â€Å"selective attention abnormalities† that cause the women to exhibit violent and criminal actions. The action is not emotionally motivated but is an inherent deficit in the personality of the person (Vitale, Brinkley, Hiatt, Newman, 2007). Conclusion In reality, more studies have to be conducted on psychopathy in mixed populations as well as single demographic variables. The field may have been around for over 200 years, but it is only now that science is catching up and finally giving some results that researches can use and help to treat this disorder (Reid, Gacono, 2000; Ross, Benning, Adams, 2007;Schmidt, McKinnon, Chattha, Brownlee, 2006; Vitacco, Neumann, Jackson, 2005; Vitale, Brinkley, Hiatt, Newman, 2007; Wormith, Olver, Stevenson, Girard, 2007). Psychopathy is not psychotic. There is a difference, but the violent tendencies are just below the surface, and the reason the traits are provoked is still widely unknown. The more research and the clearer the view of this disorder, the more help we can offer to those who are diagnosed in the future.

Friday, September 20, 2019

destination marketing plan

destination marketing plan 1. Background (270) China has become one of the worlds most important tourist destinations since China adopted its open door policy in 1978. And the self-financed international leisure travel has been made possible since the early-1990s. Chinese outbound travel grows fast after that and jumped to 31 million by 2005 (Breakey, Ding Lee 2008). The current growth and future predictions of outbound travel from China had impacts on global travel for numerous countries, including Australia. Whilst North Queensland (QLD) region has been one of the fastest growing tourist destinations for both domestic and international travel markets and the industry environment has been recognized as a dynamic business system subject to the influences of global circumstances, government and business priorities, changing communities and market trends. In recent years, international marketing has become an important issue in tourism industry. The Tourism White Paper, which was released by Australia Government in 2003, emphasize d the importance of international marketing. To ensure an effective and successful international campaign to attract international tourists, governments have invested significantly in international marketing. Funding for the improving the international marketing has averaged around $92 million per annum for Australian Tourist Commission over the past 5 years, and the Australian Government commits significant additional funds to tourism through the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources regional development and business assistance programs (Tourism White Paper 2003, p: 4). In response to this travelling potential of China and the increasing competition of the tourism industry, this marketing plan developed to improve international marketing strategies and effectiveness, increase North Queenslands international competitiveness as a tourism destination and increase Chinese visitation across North Queensland. 2. Goal Setting _ Mission (47) This strategy is developed as a destination marketing plan aiming at attracting Chinese tourists to North Queensland. The plan is a market segment strategy that delivers on the vision and actions and provides marketing advice to tourism bodies across South East Asia. 3. Marketing Audit (1374) 3.1 North Queensland Tourism Audit In tourism industry, the comparative strengths or weaknesses for destination are the products, services and amenities available to the tourism visitor. It is therefore necessary to consider what range of products and services are currently available to visitors within the North Queensland region so that gaps can be identified and strategies developed to fill these gaps. The tourism audit process has been undertaken using a combination of sources including data of Tourism Research Australia as well as searches of tourism literature. 3.1.1 Accommodation Profile There is a wide range of accommodation available in the North Queensland including hotels, motels, backpacker/hostel, luxury, resorts and apartment accommodation, self-catering, caravan parks and camping grounds. Smits (2004) reported that almost 25% of all accommodation establishments in Australia are in Queensland and around 17% of Queenslands stock is held within Tropical North Queensland, with no less than 78% of this is located in either Cairns or Port Douglas. There are over 10,000 available guest rooms in North Queensland which vary from serviced apartments and short-term hire residential villas, as well as a limited complement of luxury resorts and several new luxury resorts currently under development. Serviced apartments and holiday flats and units are continued increase in room supply; however, the boost in available hotel rooms was not met by growth in room nights sold, which remained stable in 2007. Consequently, the room occupancy was declined by 3 percentage point in the year 2007. While the room occupancy for serviced apartments was falling, those kind of apartments were the only form of accommodation in Tropical North Queensland to have strong growth in room nights sold, with an increase of more than 5 percent. The average daily room rate for the Tropical North Queensland region remains above the Queensland average, ranging from $109.25 to $172.04. However, the occupancy rates of Tropical North Queensland in 2007 were below the rates of rest in Queensland. 3.1.2 Transport and Tours Like the accommodation, there are a number of varying and different types of transport and tour can be utilised through the North Queensland, which include coach, coach, varying water-based options and aviation. Major access to the area for international tourists is aviation services. The international seats to cairns downs 21 percent on last year with 9 percent average annual decline from 2004 to 2009. In the year 1985, the Cairns Airport has developed as an international airport based on the tourism attractions of Tropical North Queensland, which is the second most visited destination by international holiday visitors to Australia (Prideaux 1999). However, until now no direct international services are available between mainland China and North Queensland. Chinese visitors are presently required to either transfer flights at Hong Kong or transfer upon arrival to Sydney, with several hours of undesirable backtracking. Getting about Tropical North Queensland is easy, with varying mode of transport including rental cars, bus services, taxis, limousines, aircraft, boats and trains. Bus shuttle services are regularly available to pick up and set down travellers at most hotels and accommodation establishments. Besides, private transfer buses are offered in many hotels and motels. The Limousine Fleets is unique in North Queensland, with excellent service and sight seeing. Major Car Rental companies are represented at the airport and many additional rental companies have offices in Cairns and other major towns around North Queensland. 3.1.3 Attractions and Natural Resources Attractions and Natural Resources are an integral part of the tourism product for any destination, including North Queensland. There is a diverse range available for the tourist spread throughout the North Queensland, including the Cassowary Coast, the Tablelands, Cairns and surrounds, Port Douglas, Mossman, Daintree National Park, Cape Tribulation, and, of course, excursions to the Great Barrier Reef and World Heritage listed rainforests. These attractions provide a blend of activities such as the opportunity to relax and to do heaps of activities in spectacular natural settings as well, which encourage tourists to increase their length of stay or act as a motivation in drawing visitors to the region. The attractions are mainly based around the attributes including: World Heritage reef and leading reef experiences, Tropical splendour and climate, World Heritage rainforests, national parks and wildlife, Savannah, Tablelands/highlands, Islands, Luxury resorts and service, Local tropic al cuisine, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island, which will be discussed later in this report. 3.1.4 Summary of Activities Following the audit of the tourism assets in North Queensland, it is identified that the region provides the following activities: 3.1.5 Visitor Information Centres Visitor Information Centres (VICs) is an important issue in the contemporary tourism industry which plays a significant role in the dissemination of information to visitors travelling within the local area. A key goal of tourism marketing is to encourage visitation by tourists to local operators, including accommodations, tours and attractions and to facilitate longers stays within the region. Fesenmaier (1994) stated that the tourist information center acts as one of the most important communication channels with which to modify travellers behaviour and to educate travellers about the benefits of visiting the state, and consequently attracts them to increase the number of days spent in the regions as well as the level of visitor expenditures. There are a number of significant VICs in major tourism areas throughout North Queensland such as Cairns, Cairns Beaches Palm Cove, Port Douglas Daintree, The Cairns Highlands, The Reef Tropical Islands, The Tropical Gulf Savannah, Mission B each The Great Green Way, Cooktown Cape York Peninsula, and Australias Tropical Rainforest that have large visitor volume. 3.2 China Outbound Tourism Overview 3.2.1 China: Outbound Tourism Trend and Visitors to North Queensland According to the research conducted by Graff and Hu (2008), with more than 13 billion people, at least 159 million people have an enough income level to afford travel abroad. China registered 28.85 million outbound travellers in 2004, 34 million in 2006 and 41 million in 2007 (CNTA 2007). According to the statistical analysis of Tourism Research Australia (2008), China is Australias fourth largest inbound market, with 356,428 visitors from China traveling Australia in 2008. Main purpose of Chinese visitors traveling Australia is holiday, visiting friends or relatives, business and education. In fact, China is forecast to be Australias largest source market by 2017 (DITR 2006), with almost one million expected arrivals by 2015 (TA 2006) and over two and a half million predicted for 2025 (DITR 2006). The top five destinations for Chinese passengers in 2001 were Asia, Europe, Americas, Oceania and Africa. Among them, there were 56,000 Chinese visitors traveled to North Queensland, accou nting for 7% of international visitors to the region (Tropical North Queensland Regional Update 2007). New Zealand, Japan, UK, USA, China and Europe account for 86 percent of international visitors to North Queensland. In contrast to the decline in Japanese visitors to North Queensland, there was a significant increase in visitors from China traveling North Queensland, up 30 percent trend, from 2006 to 2007. 3.2.2 The New Holiday System from 2008 The School vacations take place around winter, 4 weeks in February, and in summer, July and August. From May 2008, new public holidays were introduced. Following the list of new holiday system from 2008: 3.3 International Promotion Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ) and Tourism Queensland (TQ), in partnership with the local tourism industry, are currently responsible and undertake marketing activities for Tropical North Queensland (TNQ). Tourism Australia (TA) is seen as the key players in international marketing, it is important that TQ, TTNQ and tourism operators contribute to the promotion of the destination in Chinese tourism market. The international marketing activities are focused on the major agencies in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and marketing aspects including the development of a unique brand based on nature and wildlife; advertising on television and print, online campaigns, television programme and film such as The Australia. The media in China is not fully privatised and is usually controlled by government. All legal television, radios and new agencies are owned by state and controlled by government. The internet usage has been booming in the past decade. The internet content is under a high degree of censorship and restriction from government. The main internet portals in China are,,,, and 4. SWOT Analysis (534) The following situational (SWOT) analysis is a summary of the perceived Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the North Queensland. McDonald (2002) argued that a SWOT analysis is a useful way to organize the major findings since as provides an opportunity to impartially assess the competing business environment. It is important to clearly identify these elements since they formulate the platform for the marketing strategies to be achieved based on equipped with the regions capabilities relating to the market. Key Discussions in SWOT North Queensland has diverse landscape and unique World Heritage Areas including the strengths of a sense of security, sightseeing opportunities, beautiful beaches, and opportunities to visit the Reef, adventure opportunities, the option of seclusion, rainforests, and untouched natural environment. Moreover, internationally recognized icon the Great Barrier Reef, world Heritage listed, enjoys a strong reputation in China and excellent word-of-mouth, which is important factor in Chinese decision-making. International Competitors: Regarding with Chinese target market, the major competitors of Australia are European Union and America, which representing western culture like Australia. The official count of Chinese traveling to Europe from the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) was 1.8 million in 2005, comparing only 0.25 million for Australia in the same year. USA is always the list of top ten destinations for Chinese, with the advent of a bilateral agreement signed between the US and China in 2007. Chinese visitors traveling to America can be mainly attributed to multi-culture society, diverse civilization as well as its good price of luxuries. However, the growing Chinese community in Australia, due to the increase of immigrants and international students, provides the opportunity for Visiting Friends and Relatives travel and helps to ensure Chinese visitors feel at ease in Australia. America is considered one of the favorite destinations for Chinese, regarded as its diversity culture and exciting nightlife as Ever Bright City. Graff and Hu (2008) pointed out in their report that Chinese visitors gain positive experience in Hawaii from such things as access to casinos, to luxury goods and to its exciting nightlife. Compared with America, Chinese people thought Australia as a destination with less exciting things. However, Australia is regarded as more safety than America and the positive image continues to grow. National Competitors: Sydney Opera House, the Great Barriers Reef, and the beaches of the Gold Coast are registered as the main attractions of Australia. Consequently, the Gold Coast is regarded as the main national competitors of North Queensland, considering its similarity of destinations with beaches, and both of them are thought as coastal tourism, which providing tourists with beaches, diving and surfing. Gold Coast offers Australia best theme parks, such as Dream World, Sea World and Movie World. In contrast, North Queensland has its strengths, offering more combinations of nature and wildlife. Opportunity: The aviation development of Cairns international airport increases the access, which means more opportunities. Threaten: Americas weakened currency against the dollar attracts more Chinese tourists, considering its lower price of the inclusive package as well as the good price of products shopping in America. The New holiday systems, which changed two long-haul holidays into short break, encourage Chinese people traveling closely to their home instead of outbound tourism. 5. Planning Assumptions (177) Whilst there are some external factors that beyond control, in this report a number of points have been identified disclosing any assumptions made. These are listed as following: There are no significant political conflict between China and Australia government. It is the fact that there has been a gradual liberalization of the travel market. However, the Chinese government still maintains a high degree of power in term of controlling over outbound travel by its citizens. The economic environment is favorable in China, no serious financial crisis in recent years. Australia is seen as a safe destination to travel to by Chinese tourists. There is no significant increase of Chinese dollar exchange rate against Australian dollar. The comfortable climate, stable politics, clean water and unique tropical resources are not changed duo to undesirable reasons such as climate change. The importance of the Chinese outbound travel market and the continued growth forecasts has not changed, with increasing attention focused on the characteristics and travel behavior of outbound Chinese tourists by government and academia. 6. Strategy Formulation (1656) Market Evaluation/Market Research Since Australia was the first western country to be granted Approved Destination Status (ADS) in 1999, the visitor numbers have been continued increase, consequently China entering the Top Five visitor source markets in 2004. Commonly travellers can be segmented by the two main purposes of travel which are official, business and leisure travel and three main markets including Seniors, Families and Young People (Du Dai 2005). 6.1 Leisure travel 6.1.1 Seniors The Seniors market accounts for about 15 percentage of the total population of China and growing in number. Since the retirement age of China is 60 for men, 55 for women, which is fairly early, seniors are still healthy and have time to travel, with good savings levels to finance their travel. This market segmentation is likely to traveling on inclusive packages and during the off-peak seasons due to their limited English and appreciated tour guides. Cooperation with travel agency in China is very important when marketing targeted in this segments. Travel Agency in China According to the survey conducted by Du and Dai (2005), more than 80 percent of Chinese outbound tourists travel Australia on inclusive packages during their long-haul holidays. By 2006, there had been more than 15300 travel agencies in China, among which 672 are permitted to handle outbound travel (CNTA 2007). Key issues: TNQ has been packaged with a number of different destinations including the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Northern Territory and Melbourne. Based on the analysis above, North Queensland needs to continue to develop its packages and marketing to the Chinese travel agencies, considering the feature of Seniors market that they prefer traveling in group and are usually organized by travel agency. Besides, this age of Chinese is more likely to watching television program. It will be great if a television program or advertisement relating to North Queensland is announced during the period of their TV time, 8 to 10 oclock in the evening. Recalling in the year of 2003, there was a television program, Triumph in the Skies, contributes to the good reputation of Australia, especially Adelaide because of its nature beauty in the program. ( Furthermore, the Seniors market always subsidized or suggested by their children who want their parents to see the world. Achieving recognitions of their children is also helpful in attracting Seniors to North Queensland. Product: The Seniors group is usually interested in sightseeing, shopping (gifts for friends), meals, services, and amenities related to their home country. The product developed should concentrate on these aspects aiming at increasing satisfaction with North Queensland holiday; moreover, these factors should be promoted among marketing in Seniors. Pricing: The good price of package is vital in Senios market decision-making of destination. Since the major competitors within this group are Europe and North American, the price of the package tour would better lower than Europe and North Americans. Promotion: Key Brand/Positioning Message: 1) Gateway to one of the seven wonders and World Heritage-listed rainforest; 2) North Queensland offers a range of nature-based and soft-adventure holiday options, providing life-enhancing tropical moments; 3) Good price comparing to Europe and North America. Marketing Methods: Campaigns, Television Programs, Advertisement Promotion through travel agencies in China 6.1.2 Families Families market is the group with some high income families traveling abroad annually, or even twice a year. Du and Dai (2005) reported that family travel is growing and Southeast Asia such as Japan is a popular destination for family travel because of the good prices, close to home and convenient for shopping. The opportunity of North Queensland to this target market is to lifting the profile for shopping of luxury and business tourism combined to the key brand of North Queensland, considering the features of this target market. The new holiday system mentioned above should be taken into account since traveling with families during the holiday is considered a popular choice for spending time together and an educational experience for child as well. Shopping is one of the highlights of traveling abroad, since the prices of luxury of commodities are usually at least 20 to 30 per cent higher in the mainland compared to Hong Kong or Europe due to the high import tariffs and consumption taxes. Chinese consumers are generally price conscious and pretty likely to seek the lowest price when they consuming luxury goods. Graff and Hu (2008) pointed out that Europe is considered one of the favorite destinations for Chinese, regarded as a multi-culture society and diverse civilization, and of course its good price of luxuries contributing to the popularity among groups with high income. Shopping of luxury goods is an important aspect of Families market, especially the females. Since the price and variety of luxury price is hard to compete with Europe, the cooperation with Hong Kong makes the goal possible. North Queensland can promote the campaign of traveling package including North Queensland and Hong Kong. Firstly, most Chinese have to transfer from Hong Kong or Sydney, because there are not direct accesses from mainland China. If they are permitted to shopping for several days during their transfer, the inconvenience of lack of direct access is properly declined and more important, it increases the desirability of traveling North Queensland. While the males from Families group usually are successful business men, boosting the number of business events and providing business opportunities and views ill increase the pull factors of North Queensland, regarding to the males of Families group. Key Brand/Positioning Message: 1) Gateway to one of the seven wonders and World Heritage-listed rainforest; 2) North Queensland offers a range of nature-based and soft-adventure holiday options, providing life-enhancing tropical moments; 3) Luxury Shopping and Business events, opportunities and views. 6.1.3 Young People: The youth market, aged 25 to 35, is also on the rise. This segment may include students who go overseas during their summer holidays, honeymoon couples and others who travel overseers during their long-haul holidays. According to the research which conducted by Du and Dai (2005) analyses that this kind of group usually prefers adventure tourism and enjoys Free Independent Travel. Queensland offers significant opportunities for adventure tourism development and is Strategy has been developed. Queensland Adventure Tourism Action Plan 2008-2010 has been proposed aims to provide industry stakeholders, government and Tourism Queensland with a clear direction for the future development and marketing of the adventure tourism segment over the year 2008 to 2010. The product of adventure tourism in North Queensland is variety including Aviation (scenic/joy flights), Ballooning, Bungy Jumping, Scuba Diving and many more. By the late-1980s, Australia had become the number one honeymoon destinations in Japan and the position still remains until now (Australia-Japan Research Centre, 1992). And now China is forecast to be Australias largest source market by 2017 (DITR, 2006), the honeymoon tourism will be an great opportunity for North Queensland, considering its good reputation among the youth which recognized it as pure, natural and unpolluted destination. Since the word-of-mouth and social media are considered an important information source for the youth, they should be seen as the major sources when promoting North Queensland. Travel research consistently shows the importance of word-of-mouth (WOM) information sources in the process of destination selection, such as Murphy, Mascardo and Benckendorff (2007). The information from friends, relatives or other travelers will influence and determine consumer behavior. So it is important to increase the visitors satisfaction with North Queensland holiday. On the other hand, the promotion of travelers good experience can lift the perceptions of the North Queensland and aims to attract more visitors. The popular social media in Chinese young people include MSN, KaiXin, Tianya and Sohu, where are considered as important channels to marketing North Queensland and dissemination of information.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Over-diagnosis and Medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disor

This research paper will include strict academic research. It will begin by introducing the existence of an over diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and describing the many plausible reasons behind this diagnostic inflation. Although the reasons mentioned in the paper cannot be scientifically tested to provide a direct answer, factual evidence shows a valid correlation. Moving forward, the paper generally addresses the presence of mental disease within the American youth. However, one will see how mental disorders such as ADHD are classified in such broad terms. The format of the education system is examined as it creates a lack of sleep within the American youth. Education within America and inconsistent sleep patterns are looked at as possible links to an over diagnosis of ADHD. Think back to the days of elementary school and high school, did waking up half past the crack of down wear you down throughout the school day? Did your fatigue prohibit you from maximizing your potential? The latter reasons that link to an over diagnosis of ADHD are socio-economic factors. The main point of this research paper is to demand change within society. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder stands as America's capitalistic disease of choice. Abbreviated as ADHD, this mental disorder is prescribed to individual's who display a lack of focus and noticeably restless behavior. The diagnosis of the disorder is targeting the American youth and adolescents at a rapidly alarming rate. Treated with intense speed-like stimulants such as Vyvanse, Ritalin and Adderall, the qualifications and testing required to obtain these medications are becoming less stern. Leon Eisenberg discovered ADHD over a century ago; ... ...p and Student Achievement. Eastern Economic Journal 38.4 (2012): 512-24. ProQuest. Web. 11 Feb. 2014. Giedd, Jay N. "Linking Adolescent Sleep, Brain Maturation, and Behavior." Journal of Adolescent Health 45.4 (2009): 319-20. Print. Huelskamp, Robert M. "Perspectives on Education in America." Phi Delta Kappan. 74.9 (1993): 718-21. Print. Katel, Peter. "Teen Drug Use." CQ Researcher. 3 June 2011: 481-504. Web. 8 Feb. 2014. Koch, Kathy. "Rethinking Ritalin." CQ Researcher 22. Oct. 1999: 905-28. Web. 8 Feb. 2014. Mantel, Barbara. "Mental Health Policy." CQ Researcher. 10 May 2013: 425-48. Web. 8 Feb. 2014. Rogers, Ann E. "Sleep and Health." Healthy Sleep. Harvard Medical School. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. "What You Need to Know about ADHD." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Public Health Institute, 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Advertisements Essay -- Essays Papers

Advertisements Advertisements are everywhere. Whether it is a magazine, billboard, television or radio, ads attempt to catch people’s eyes from all over. An advertisement uses many different aspects in order to entice its possible consumers. In a commercial for Thermasilk hair products, the product craved attention; therefore the advertiser used a popular song to hook the viewers. The ad continues on with its temptations to reel in consumers by expressing a well-known desire of many women: to have the perfect head of hair. Today, not many people are satisfied with what they have, therefore they strive for what they do not already obtain. The ad pledges to viewers that by using Thermasilk products, they must not just â€Å"Blow DRY† their hair, instead they should â€Å"Blow Beautiful.† The ad emphasizes that Thermasilk products will improve the hair’s beauty. Looking good in today’s world is an important aspect that includes hair in its approach to superior fashio n. The advertiser uses popular music and an appealing saying in order to interest women who want the hair they do not have. With style and emotional appeals, including the need for attention, for prominence and the need to achieve, this Thermasilk ad lures in viewers in the attempt to stimulate feelings in their minds. In â€Å"Advertising’s Fifteen Basic Appeals,† by Jib Fowels, he relies on style to add to the emotional appeals that illustrate advertisements. The advertiser used a stylistic approach to increase the attention the ad receives. As a means to support his use of style along with emotional appeals, Fowels states, â€Å"[r]oughly fifteen percent of all advertisements incorporate a celebrity, almost always from the fields of entertainment or sports.† This other grouping of... ...and helps guide them towards their desired status. Fowels believes â€Å"[a]s time has gone by, buyers have become stoutly resistant to advertisements.† In order to surpass this skepticism of advertisements, it is an advertiser’s responsibility to renew that belief to increase the awareness of ads. This Thermasilk advertisement invokes feelings of recognition, importance and persistence in their viewers in order to captivate their audience. In attracting their audience, the ad also attempts to slip a memory of the advertisement into their minds and noticeably attracts people who are not completely satisfied with their looks and image. Works Cited: Fowels, Jib. â€Å"Advertising’s Fifteen Basic Appeals.† Common Culture: Reading and Writing About American Pop Culture. Ed. Michael Petracca and Madeline Sorapure. 4th ed. New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 1993. 78-96.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Legality of Suicide and Assisted Suicide :: essays research papers

Suicide has become a big part of American society, year after year more people are taking their own lives for many different reasons. A lot of philosophers have broken down all the reasons of suicides into two different categories, rational suicide and irrational suicide. A rational suicide has been given five basic criteria that usually must be met for the person's act to be considered rational. The five criteria which a person must show for their suicide to be considered rational are, "the ability to reason, realistic world view, adequacy of information, avoidance of harm, and accordance with fundamental interests."(Battin 132) Another opinion of rationality of suicide is, "it is the best thing for him from the point of view of his own welfare-or whether it is the best thing for someone being advised, from the point of view of that person's welfare"(Brandt 118). People have to characterize suicides because a lot of times they don't understand what that person is going through so by grouping them and placing criteria on them it allows them to accept it in an easier manner. A lot of suicides are grouped in the rational category because they are committed so the person can be saved from the pain they may be experiencing from a terminal disease. This seems to be just about the only true rational and morally correct reason why a person should commit suicide. Yet a lot of times these patients are "heavily sedated, so that it is impossible for the mental processes of decision leading to action to occur."(Brandt 123) In other words these patients have a rational reason to commit suicide, yet their mind is not capable of making that decision. So if terminally ill patients are the only ones who have a good rational reason to commit suicide, then where does that leave everyone else? Well just about everyone else commits suicide because of a little thing that enters everyone's life at some time and that thing is called depression. Depression can come from several different things, such as a loss of something like a job, a loved one, a limb such as an arm or leg, or anything else that might be held dear to that person. Other things could be rejection at home or in the work place, abuse, and sometimes even the thought of getting old and not wanting to know what tomorrow holds in store.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Economics Essay

And economy is a system that deals with human activities related to the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services of a country or other area. Lionel Robbins defined economics as â€Å"the science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses. † (Robbins L. 1932) Economics is based on the principle of scarcity of resources to satisfy human wants. As the resources to cater for the various human needs are limited, consumers have to make choices. Scarcity of resources creates an economic problem that the economic systems try to solve. Economics uses different techniques, tools and theories to carry out analysis and to explain various actions and behaviors in the economic systems. Economics may be studied in various fields including environmental economics, financial economics, game theory, information economics, industrial organization, labor economics, international economics, managerial economics and public finance. The two main areas of economics are macroeconomics and microeconomics. Macroeconomics deals with the aggregate national economy of a country while the microeconomics deals with the economics of an individual firm or person and their interactions in the market, given scarcity of resources and regulations by the government. Micro-economics is much concerned with the behaviors of individuals and firms in an industry and how these behaviors affect supply and demand of goods and services. These behaviors also affect the prices charged to the goods and services. Supply and demand are affected by the prices while price is affected by supply and demand. Hence these three aspects have to balance at certain equilibrium. At this point, the price charged to the goods and services will attain equilibrium between supply and demand of the goods and services. The theory of Demand and supply is one of the fundamental theories in microeconomics. This theory explains the relationship between price of goods and services in relation to the quality sold. It also explains the various related changes that occur in the market. The theory of demand and supply helps in the determination of prices of commodities in a competitive market environment. Demand of a commodity is the amount of goods and services that consumers are willing and able to buy at a certain price. Besides the price demand of a commodity is affected by other factors such as the income of the consumer and tastes and preferences. The demand theory suggests that consumer are rational in choosing the quality of a product that they will consume at a certain price and also considering other factors like their income and tastes. Most of the time, the consumption of goods and services by these customers is constrained by their income. As consumer seek to maximize the utility they obtain from a certain good or service, their income will act as a limiting factor. Thus the demand of a commodity depends on the purchasing power of the consumers. The purchasing power is determined by the amount of income the consumer gets. At a fixed income the demand of consumers will be determined by the price of the commodities. The law of demand suggests that demand and price of a commodity are inversely related. The higher the price of a commodity, the lower the demand of that commodity. When the price of commodity rises consumers will demand less of that good. This is because their purchasing power decreased. This is called the income effect. Increase in the price of a commodity will also result to the customers changing their consumption of the commodity preferring other less expensive commodities. This is called the substitution effect. The demand of the planes I sell will depend on their price and other factors such as tastes and preferences of the various customers in different parts of my market. However their demand will also be constrained by their level of income. If I increase the price of the planes my customers will demand fewer quantities due to income effect. Some other customers may change to other similar products thus causing substitution effect. When the income of the consumer changes, his consumption of the commodity will not move along the same demand curve, his demand curve will shift in proportion to his change of income. If the income increases the demand curve will shift outwards for a normal good. This means that at a certain price the consumer will now consume more goods than he could with his earlier income. If the income decreases the demand curve will shift inwards and the consumer will demand fewer quantities of commodities at a certain price. Supply is the quantity of a commodity that suppliers are able and willing to bring to the market at a certain price. Producers seek to maximize their profits and so will bring to the market quantities of commodity that will result to highest profits. The quantity of goods and services supplied depend on the prices of those commodities. Supply and price of commodities are directly proportional. This means the higher the price of the good at the market the higher the quantity supplied. For the prices of a commodity to be stable, the quantities of the commodity demanded must be equal to the quantity supplied. When demand and supply are equal on equilibrium in price is attained. The equilibrium price is that which results to equal quantities of demand and supply. When the price of a commodity is higher than the equilibrium the quantity demanded will be lower than the quantity supplied. There will be excess quantities in t he market. The price will have to come down until the excess quantities are eliminated. IN the same way if the price is lower than equilibrium the quantities demanded will be higher than quantities supplied and hence the price will have to be increased until the demand equates supply. The demand and supply theory is used to determine prices in perfectly competitive markets. Price is the value paid by the consumers for the utility they receive from a commodity. The price of a commodity affects the demand, supply and the quantities of the commodity sold in the market. The market price of a commodity is the intervention between marginal utility of the consumer and the marginal cost of the supplier. The equilibrium price is the point where these marginal utility and marginal costs equate. Elasticity measures the changes of one thing in relation to another. Elasticity of demand is the rate of change of quantity demanded of a commodity for a particular change in the price of the commodity. Different commodities will change different for the same change in their prices. For example two products may have the same price and the same demand but different elasticities, meaning when their prices change by one unit, their demand will change with different quantities. The commodity with higher demand elasticity will have a greater change in demand for the same change of price than a product with a lower elasticity. This can also happen in the case of supply resulting to price elasticity of supply. Both price elasticity of Demand and price elasticity of supply are the two types of price elasticities. Another form of elasticity is income elasticity of demand which measures the rate of change of demand in relation to change in income (Nelson, Salzmann). If the price elasticity of supply of my panels is high, then a little change in the price will greatly affect the quantity of panels the suppliers will bring to the market. On the other had if the price elasticity of demand of the panels in my market is high, my varying of the prices at which I sell the panels will greatly affect their demand. Monopolies are whereby one firm controls the whole market or a big percentage of the market of a commodity. When a firm have monopoly over a commodity the operations of the market as in a perfectly competitive market will not be possible. The monopoly will set its own prices whether they lead to equilibrium of demand and supply or not. Unless the monopoly is highly regulated the monopoly can manipulate the market by unfair practices like hoarding and price hikes. If I have a monopoly on the sale of the panels in my markets, I will have the liberty to set any price as far as it gives me maximum profits in disregard of the needs of the consumers. However, if there is only one source of the panels then I will have to accept any price the supplier determines. Monopoly is one cause of market imperfections. Market imperfection is where by the market systems are inhibited from operating normally as in a perfectly competitive market. Other causes of market imperfection are externalities, public goods, uncertainties and extreme interference in the economy by the government. Market imperfection can lead to market failure. Macro economics deals with performance of the national economy as a whole. It describes the behavior and structure of the economy using indication such as GDP, unemployment rates and price index (Mark Blaug 1985). Gross Domestic product â€Å"is the sum of the market values or prices f all final goods and services produced in an economy during a period of time† according to Sparknotes (http://www. sparknotes. com/economics/macros/measuring1/section1. html). Gross domestic product (GDP) is calculated by summing all the private consumption in the economy, investment by business or households, government expenditure and the net of exports and imports. The formula GDP = C + I + G + (X-M) is used where C is private consumption, I is investment, G is government expenditure and X is gross exports and M is gross imports (Sparknotes). Unemployment is whereby a person who is willing and able to work has no work (Burda, Wyplosz 1997), Unemployment rates show the performance of the economy as a whole. Unemployment is caused by different reasons. Unemployment rate can be calculated by dividing the number of unemployed workers by the total labor force. Philips curve was a theory that suggested that unemployment reduce inflation stating that unemployment reduces inflation stating that unemployment was inversely related to inflation. Inflation is the percentage rate of change of a price index (Burda, Wyplosz 1997). Inflation leads to general increase in the prices of gods in t he economy. Inflation affects the value of money in that it makes the purchasing power decrease. There are several theories used to explain practices in macro economics. The quantity theory of money is one of these theories that give the equation of change. It explains the relationship between overall prices and the quantity of money. The equation of change is given as M. V= P. Q where M is the total amount of money in circulation on average in an economy. V is the velocity of money P is price level Q is Index of expenditures. There have been different approaches to economics. These approaches differ on their view on certain aspects of economics. Some of the approaches that are there include Keynesian, monetarists, neo classical and the new classical. These different approaches led to up come of different schools of thoughts according to the inclination in the approach. However new developments have been advanced leading to acceptance of some of the aspects that had been disputed before by some approaches. Keynesian economics supported the use of policies to control the economy. The argument was that to reduce fluctuations the government had to base on actions (fiscal or monetary policy) on the prevailing conditions of the economy. The new Keynesian economics tried to provide microeconomic to the older Keynesian economics Monetarism was against fiscal policy as it has a negative effect on the private sector Monetarists argued that government intervention through fiscal policy could lead to crowding out o f monetary policies rules (Mark B. 1985). Fiscal policy is government intervention in the economic operations aimed at bringing stability of affecting certain changes in the economic environment. Fiscal policies are carried out though control of the government spending in the economy and use tax charged Fiscal policies are aimed at influencing the level of economic activities in the economy resource allocation and income distribution. The two tools, that is, Government spending and taxation is used differently to achieve different results. Incases of recession expansion fiscal policies are utilized. In this case the government increases its spending in the economy and reduces taxation. Contractionary fiscal policies are utilized by reducing government expenditure or spending in the economy and increasing tax charged. Contractionary fiscal policies can be used when there are high rates of inflation. Monetary policies are a form of intervention of the government into economic operation through interest rates so as to control the amount of money in circulation. Expansionary monetary policy is applied during recession to increase the amount of money in circulation. Expansionary policy can also be used to curb unemployment in this case interest rates are lowered hence encouraging circulation of money. Contractionary monetary policies are applied by increasing the rate of interest rates in order to reduce the rate of money in circulation in the economy. Contractionary monetary policy can be utilized during high rates of inflation. Economic growth can be achieved by leaving the competitive market conditions to prevail. However the government should intervene where the market is so unstable so that to bring regulation aimed at attaining optimum operation in the economy.